Unlimited Books in Chrome with OffiDocs

Unlimited Books in Chrome with OffiDocs

Unlimited Books Chrome web store extension


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10 recommendations so you can enjoy reading more In the framework of the World Book Day celebrated on April 23, we prepared a series of tips for you to join the exciting world of reading.

Read them and discover or get more out of the pleasures that books give us! Do you want to read but do not have time? Do not you know how to hook up with a book? Do not worry, to mark the day of the book, held on April 23, we prepared a list of tips so you can enjoy your reading to the fullest.

# 1 I defined your purpose of reading Before you start reading, ask yourself why you are reading this book.

Almost all people read for two reasons: for pleasure or in search of knowledge.

Doing this practice helps you eliminate books that you do not want -or do not need- to read.

In addition, it motivates you to continue reading and complete readings.

# 2 Read the things that appeal to you It does not matter what you read, but that it attracts you, that you enjoy it.

The tastes are personal, so do not feel bad if they recommend a reading and it does not appeal to you.

The books should awaken interest and curiosity, that is what keeps the magic of reading alive.

# 3 Feel free to skip pages When it comes to reading for pleasure and personal knowledge, I set your own rules.

Do not feel guilty for skipping pages.

It is not necessary to read all the pages of a book.

It's not cheating! In fact, skipping pages is more productive, it takes you out of the boring or irrelevant parts.

Do not waste your time reading something that does not work for you.

# 4 I gave up books that you do not enjoy It is possible that you select books that are not for you.

Every time you realize you're not enjoying the book you're reading, give it up.

Always keep in mind that reading should not be a chore.

# 5 Make reading a part of your daily routine If reading is important to you, no matter how busy you are, you will always find a time to read.

Making reading a part of your daily routine eliminates the hassle of finding time each day to read.

# 6 Prepare your reading list in advance To maintain the impulse of reading, always had at hand the following book.

Do not wait until you have completed the book to find a new one, you will waste time finding the next book.

Make a list of all the books you want to read, add the recommendations, go to libraries or bookstores or go to websites that recommend readings.

# 7 Use your free time Try to take a book with you, you will maximize the reading time.

There will be times during the day when you are free and you can take advantage of them.

# 8 Look for a quiet place Reading requires attention and concentration.

If possible, find a quiet place to read.

Reading in a quiet environment increases your understanding.

I chose a good environment in which to read.

Turn off the phone or set it aside.

Close the door if necessary.

# 9 Read the synopsis Sometimes, when you watch the trailer or read the synopsis of the contents, you enter the world of the author much faster.

# 10 Read several books at a time While this sounds counterproductive, it works well if you want to accumulate knowledge about a fast topic.

Some books have similar information, also allow you to see different points of view on the same subject.

Or for example, if you are reading fiction, you can complement the reading with series or movies.

Additional Information:

- Offered by Saikiran Mastermind
- Average rating : 0 stars (hated it)

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