CSS Grid Overlay in Chrome with OffiDocs

CSS Grid Overlay in Chrome with OffiDocs

CSS Grid Overlay Chrome web store extension


Run the Chrome online web store extension CSS Grid Overlay using OffiDocs Chromium online.

Supports multiples breakpoints and the usual grid values (gutters, columns, max width, etc).

Configurations can easily be saved and shared among team members as json objects.

Example conf: [ { "columns": 4, "margins": 16, // px before and after the first and last column // these gutters work like margins: // if distance between columns is 32px, gutters are 16 "gutters": 16, "from": 0, // start of breakpoint in px // Optional values // "to": 599, end of breakpoint in px // grid will be centered after this maxWidth in px // otherwise it'll be full width // "maxWidth": 1440, // if you want to move the grid // (e.


in a style guide with a left sidebar // you'd use offsetLeft to push the grid to the right // "offsetTop": 0, // "offsetRight": 0, // "offsetBottom": 0, // "offsetLeft": 0, // "backgroundColors": { // "columns": "rgba(234, 23, 140, .

3)", // "gutters": "rgba(0, 231, 255, .

3)", // "margins": "rgba(0, 191, 165, .

3)" // } } ]

Additional Information:

- Offered by imagentleman.github.io
- Average rating : 4.33 stars (liked it)
- Developer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

CSS Grid Overlay web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online