Bug Magnet in Chrome with OffiDocs

Bug Magnet in Chrome with OffiDocs

Bug Magnet Chrome web store extension


Run the Chrome online web store extension Bug Magnet using OffiDocs Chromium online.

Exploratory testing assistant for Chrome.

Adds common problematic values and edge cases to the context menu (right-click) for editable elements, so you can keep them handy and access them easily during exploratory testing sessions.

- Convenient access to common boundaries and edge cases for exploratory testing - Extend easily with your own config files - Works on input fields, text areas, content editable DIVs - Works on multi-frame pages, but only if they are from the same domain - Tiny overhead per page (<1k), no 3rd party library dependencies, completely passive, so it does not interfere with your web app execution in any way - Opensource and customisable (https://github.

com/gojko/bugmagnet) Version 3.

0 is a major overhaul with lots of new features, check out https://bugmagnet.


html for a list of new features

Additional Information:

- Offered by bugmagnet.org
- Average rating : 4.48 stars (liked it)

Bug Magnet web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online