Black Box in Chrome with OffiDocs

Black Box in Chrome with OffiDocs

Black Box Chrome web store extension


Run the Chrome online web store extension Black Box using OffiDocs Chromium online.

"Instead of copying your notes one by one and pasting them into whatever text editor you use whether (.

pdf, .

word, etc.


) , why don't you copy all of your notes and paste them in your text editor only once ? You want to know how ? Download this app and keep reading " Quickly take your notes.

Simple app that facilitate the process of taking notes, different from other apps that app is easy to use and do not require any sort of registration to use.

Simply this app is really useful while studying or reading online articles where you can take notes just by copying them.

How to use: 1- Click on the app icon on the right upper side of Chrome browser.

2- Click start button 3- Take a copy just by selecting the text you want copy and hit mouse right click and select copy, or select the text and hit Ctrl + c.

The has three main buttons: 1- start : allow the app to save your notes 2- stop: disable note taking process 3-copy all text: copy all the notes saved in the app like a list.

Pros: 1- Fast and Easy to use.

2- Save until 10,000 words.

3- Good eye reading colors Expected upgrades : 1- Letters count.

2- Save the website Url from which you took the note.

3- Highlight the copied text.

Expect more enhancement that will make your browsing experience more and more easier.

Additional Information:

- Offered by psuser2234
- Average rating : 4 stars (liked it)
- Developer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Black Box web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online