Search by image for Made in China in Chrome with OffiDocs

Search by image for Made in China in Chrome with OffiDocs

Search by image for Made in China Chrome web store extension


Run the Chrome online web store extension Search by image for Made in China using OffiDocs Chromium online.

It's a very useful tool for Dropshippers to and finds the product source on made-in-china.

com, especially for Dropshipping sellers(Shopify).

Step 1: Right click your mouse.

Step 2: Capture the image and search products on Made-in-China, Alibaba, AliExpress, 1688 , JD and Taobao.


Disclaimer The product listings displayed in the image search results are matched purely and automatically by the algorithm.

AliPrice does not play any active role and will not intervene in the matching process, nor does AliPrice guarantee any accuracy and/or correctness of the search results generated via an automatic algorithm.

Alibaba, AliExpress, 1688, and Taobao are trademarks of Alibaba group.

This extension was not created or endorsed by Alibaba group.

Made-in-China is a trademark of Made-in-China, inc.

This extension was not created or endorsed by Made-in-China.

JD is a trademark of JD, inc.

This extension was not created or endorsed by JD.

This extension uses the Google Analytics service to collect statistics on the use of the extension.

If you do not want to transfer data, you can find the official Google blocker application or any equivalent.

The official Google Analytics blocker from Google — https://tools.


com/dlpage/gaoptout We only collect anonymous information.

We use technologies like cookies (small files stored by your browser), web beacons, or unique device identifiers to anonymously identify your computer or device so we can deliver a better experience.

Our systems also log information like your browser, operating system and IP address.

For more details please read our Privacy Policy - https://www.


com/information/index?page=privacy If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us.



com/information/index?page=contact By installing the AliPrice extension, you accept the terms of the "AliPrice Terms of Service" and allow the extension to redirect to affiliate links, including Made-in-China and other programs.

AliPrice Terms of Service - https://www.



Additional Information:

- Offered by aliprice3
- Average rating : 5 stars (loved it)
- Developer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Search by image for Made in China web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online