KWatt HP in Chrome with OffiDocs

KWatt HP in Chrome with OffiDocs

KWatt HP Chrome web store extension


Run the Chrome online web store extension KWatt HP using OffiDocs Chromium online.

Finally, the fastest way to convert the KWatt in HorsPower and vice versa.

[ WHY? ] The horsepower is the name of the various units of measurement (not SI) of power.

In the literature is used almost exclusively in the unit of the International System, the Watt.

However, the idea of the horse steam exists as a concept in various languages ​​and countries, mainly to determine the power of an engine of a vehicle in a rather immediate.

The European horsepower is a unit still widespread in Europe.

Its abbreviation varies from state to state: PS in Germany pk in the Low Countries, ch France, Л.


in Russia, CV in Italy, Spain and Portugal.

Its definition, however, is unique: 1 hp = 735.

49875 W.

A multiple used a lot of watts is KWatt, where 1 KWatt = 1000 W.

Just open the application and start typing numbers.

That's all.

The app will convert the number entered for both the KWatt and HP on the fly.

No need to specify which units you want to convert, just enter the number and read the result.

Copy and paste it wherever you want the solution.

[ FEATURES ] Convert KWatt in HorsPower and vice versa Easy to use [ SUPPORTED LANGUAGES ] English.

[ CONTACT US ] For help, suggestions, or feature requests visit our website www.



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- Average rating : 3 stars (it was okay)
- Developer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

KWatt HP web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online