DJ Controls for the YouTubes in Chrome with OffiDocs

DJ Controls for the YouTubes in Chrome with OffiDocs

DJ Controls for the YouTubes Chrome web store extension


Run the Chrome online web store extension DJ Controls for the YouTubes using OffiDocs Chromium online.

Chrome extension to control YouTube playing in the background.

Use the media keys on your computer (F7 for previous song, F8 for play/pause, F9 for next song) to control playback from a different tab or even a different application.

Ctrl (Cmmd for mac) + Shift + 9 will shuffle and un-shuffle the playlist for you.

Known issues: - Play/pause only works with HTML5 player - This extension does not yet support multiple YouTube watch page tabs open at once in any smart way.

Currently, it just picks the leftmost YouTube tab and controls that tab.

Images used from iconfinder.

com and youtube.


Because of trademark rules I can't use YouTube in the name so this has been renamed "for the YouTubes".


Additional Information:

- Offered by beccacrabb
- Average rating : 3.67 stars (liked it)

DJ Controls for the YouTubes web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online