No Politics Inbox Political email filter in Chrome with O

No Politics Inbox Political email filter in Chrome with OffiDocs

No Politics Inbox Political email filter Chrome web store extension


Run the Chrome online web store extension No Politics Inbox Political email filter using OffiDocs Chromium online.

Don't let politicians steal your attention when you're taking care of your personal email.

Make your inbox a No Politics Inbox! No Politics Inbox is a free chrome extension and Gmail plugin that automatically filters, labels, and removes emails from Politicians, Political Action Committees, and Political Campaigns from Gmail inboxes.

WHY WE BUILT NO POLITICS INBOX Every election season, more and more spammy political fundraising emails disrupt your attention and clog up your inbox.

Some of these politicians email you multiple times per day! We've made No Politics Inbox to fight back against political email spam and keep our Gmail accounts clean.

WHAT NO POLITICS INBOX DOES No Politics Inbox automatically labels any emails from political campaigns or other political entities that come into your inbox.

You can also have Politics-labeled emails skip your inbox and go straight to a folder labeled Politics, where you can delete them or read them at your convenience.

Don't let Politicians and their endless fundraising overwhelm your personal email.

Make your inbox a No Politics Inbox! ---- No Politics Inbox is a free chrome extension and Gmail filter from the makers of Baxter, the automatic email organizer.

Baxter recognizes not just Political emails, but E-commerce, Finance, Health, Career, Travel, and more! If you like how No Politics Inbox helps keep your inbox clean and organized, you'll love the dozens of additional features Baxter can bring to your Gmail.

(Baxter recognizes Political emails, too - don't worry!)

Additional Information:

- Offered by
- Average rating : 0 stars (hated it)
- Developer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

No Politics Inbox Political email filter web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online