Meteor DevTools in Chrome with OffiDocs

Meteor DevTools in Chrome with OffiDocs

Meteor DevTools Chrome web store extension


Run the Chrome online web store extension Meteor DevTools using OffiDocs Chromium online.

Meteor DevTools is an extension for Chrome Developer Tools that makes the process of developing Meteor apps even more enjoyable.

It also allows you to look under the hood of existing applications and learn how they are built.

The extension includes a plugin framework and currently comes with 4 plugins: DDP Monitor, Blaze Inspector, MiniMongo Explorer and Security Auditor.

The extension is open source and is available on Github - https://github.


Additional Information:

- Offered by The Bakery
- Average rating : 4.34 stars (liked it)

Meteor DevTools web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online