Intercom Gmail Integration in Chrome with OffiDocs

Intercom Gmail Integration in Chrome with OffiDocs

Intercom Gmail Integration Chrome web store extension


Run the Chrome online web store extension Intercom Gmail Integration using OffiDocs Chromium online.

This chrome extension is a super easy way to integrate Intercom (www.


io) into your Gmail.

After installation you will be able to see the data from your Intercom customers right inside your Gmail.

Data such as location, company name, monthly spending, tags, social profiles, your notes, etc.

is pulled for each customer from your Intercom account.

The benefit of this extension is that when you open an email in Gmail sent by a customer, you can see the customer profile on the right panel next to the email.

This extension has functionalities similar to Rapportive for LinkedIn in showing user profiles.

After installation, you must first set your Intercom API credentials (App ID and API Key) in the settings.

You can find these informations by going to your Intercom account; then go to "Integrations"; and then go to "API Keys".

Requirements: You need to have an Intercom and Gmail account.

Additional Information:

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- Average rating : 3.67 stars (liked it)

Intercom Gmail Integration web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online