Beauties under an Umbrella

Beauties under an Umbrella

This is the free photo or picture example named Beauties under an Umbrella for OffiDocs app Gimp, which can be considered as an online image editor or an online photo studio.


Download or edit the free picture Beauties under an Umbrella for GIMP online editor. It is an image that is valid for other graphic or photo editors in OffiDocs such as Inkscape online and OpenOffice Draw online or LibreOffice online by OffiDocs.

Rain is implicit in the willow motif and the umbrella beneath which these two elegant beauties stand. The supple willow is a symbol of feminine grace as well, and the prominence of the umbrella is an effective compositional device. The artist Shunsh\u014d was noted for his effective designs for the pillar print. The women's elegant appearance was enhanced by the cropping, and thus further elongation of, the figures.

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