Farmers Lives in Twelve Months

Farmers Lives in Twelve Months

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Scenes of agriculture and sericulture\u2014considered to be the two great foundations of the Chinese empire\u2014appeared often in illustrated Confucian texts. In Japan, the all-important process of rice cultivation became a staple subject for Kano artists, many of whom served shoguns or feudal lords who promoted Confucian morals. Here, the subject is interpreted according to a classic Japanese tradition in which human activities are viewed through the seasonal changes of the twelve months of the year. Starting in early spring, when the farmers share the New Year's rice cake and tea, work progresses from plowing to planting to harvesting, culminating on a snowy day in December when they bale the rice and fill the warehouse. The standard treatment of this subject in Japan followed Chinese models and depicted Chinese farmers, but the artist of this pair of screens departed from the convention to illustrate the lives and work of indigenous Japanese farmers. Also unique is the fact that tasks are shared by men and women; Chinese versions of the subject traditionally relegated women to sericultural activities.

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