Kushite Pharaoh

Kushite Pharaoh

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The small bronze kneeling king represents two aspects of art of the Kushite Period that are intensifications of tendencies already extant in the Third Intermediate Period. Provision of small bronze royal attendant statuary demonstrated an specially pious regard for the gods and their temples. Stylistically there was an inclination toward models from the past, particularly the Old Kingdom, a taste clearly visible in the broad shoulders and narrow waist of the small bronze. At the same time, Kushite kings wore distinctive regalia, including a cap crown, double uraei, and ram's-head amulets. On the kneeling king, the double uraei have been "corrected" to one and the ram's-head amulets have been hammered out by a later Saite king, but the large gold ram's-head amulet is an actual example of the type worn on the king's neck cord.

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