Standing warrior

Standing warrior

This is the free photo or picture example named Standing warrior for OffiDocs app Gimp, which can be considered as an online image editor or an online photo studio.


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Standing with arms bent and extended, this figure has distinctive elongated proportions, a pointed head with long braided hair, and a bearded oval face with large eyes (originally inlaid). He once held weapons in his hands, perhaps a spear and mace, and wears a knee-length kilt and a wide belt with long tassel ties. The feet have sandals and the tangs on the bottom served to attach the figure to a stand or other furniture, perhaps in a temple. The figure may represent a hero or even a deity, although he does not wear distinguishing headgear such as horns or a crown. The statuette is impressive for its size, larger than most bronze examples of its type.The style of the figure is related to early third millennium bronzes found near Antioch in Syria, and it may be a later example in the same tradition.

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