Three Designs for a Funerary Monument or Epitaph

Three Designs for a Funerary Monument or Epitaph

This is the free photo or picture example named Three Designs for a Funerary Monument or Epitaph for OffiDocs app Gimp, which can be considered as an online image editor or an online photo studio.


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Three variants for a funerary monument or epitaph meant to be placed against a wall. The monuments are all composed of a portrait medallion with two branches below, a plaque with the letters D.O.M. (Deus Optimus Maximus) followed by a pseudo-inscription, and an escutcheon beneath in which a personal crest can be placed. The design in the middle is surrounded by sketchy lines in graphite which seem to suggest an elaboration of the design. On the bottom of the page the scale of the designs is indicated. On the verso there is an undefined sketch in graphite

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