The Scourging on the Front (La flagellation de face)

The Scourging on the Front (La flagellation de face)

This is the free photo or picture example named The Scourging on the Front (La flagellation de face) for OffiDocs app Gimp, which can be considered as an online image editor or an online photo studio.


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According to John, while the Roman governor continues to find Jesus blameless, he accedes to pressure from the priests and decides to \u201cchastise\u201d him through scourging. Jesus is bound, defenseless, to a marble column and whipped before a crowded court as Pilate looks on from the palace loggia in the background.

Christ\u2019s tormentors perform a punishment most likely inflicted, Tissot tells his readers, with leather whips weighted with pieces of bone.

Object metadata can change over time, please check the Brooklyn Museum object record for the latest information.

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