High Tide

High Tide

This is the free photo or picture example named High Tide for OffiDocs app Gimp, which can be considered as an online image editor or an online photo studio.


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\u201cSea-bathing,\u201d as it was called, was an activity to be approached with caution at this time. The trio of young women shown here may reflect such ambivalence in their curious estrangement from each other and sober attitudes as they emerge from the waves on an empty beach. This engraving was based on a painting by Homer exhibited at the National Academy of Design in 1870 as Manners and Customs at the Seashore. Although popular illustrations exploited the titillating aspects of lightly clad females on the beach, Homer\u2019s subject was a daring one for an oil painting.

Object metadata can change over time, please check the Brooklyn Museum object record for the latest information.

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