The Merchants Chased from the Temple (Les vendeurs chass\u

The Merchants Chased from the Temple (Les vendeurs chass\u00e9s du Temple)

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Jesus drives the merchants from the Temple, among them moneychangers as well as those who sell animals for sacrifice and food for worshippers. He scatters their goods\u2014in a dramatic flurry of flapping doves\u2019 wings\u2014as he wields a whip devised from his own belt, Tissot notes in his text. (This last detail comes from the account in John, though Tissot chose not to cite those verses in his Bible.)

The sheer bulk of merchants with their wares and animals had grown so large, Tissot explains, that, for want of room, they had invaded Solomon\u2019s Porch and the Court of the Gentiles, rendering the cisterns impure and the silence required for prayer impossible.

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