In Danger

In Danger

This is the free photo or picture example named In Danger for OffiDocs app Gimp, which can be considered as an online image editor or an online photo studio.


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Like the French painters of the Barbizon School whom they greatly admired, Mesdag and his counterparts in the Hague School\u2014so named for the Dutch city where they lived and worked\u2014painted in the open air, capturing the distinctive landscapes and seascapes of the Netherlands. For the Dutch, who relied so heavily on trade and fishing, marine scenes proved extremely compelling subjects. Mesdag shows a small ship with seemingly wind-torn sails tossed by massive, white-capped waves. The high horizon line of Mesdag\u2019s composition and the tonal unity of the scene\u2014with sea and sky nearly indistinguishable\u2014lends particular urgency to the sublime power of the sea.

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