

This is the free photo or picture example named Golgotha for OffiDocs app Gimp, which can be considered as an online image editor or an online photo studio.


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One of Germany\u2019s leading Symbolists, Stuck frequently painted biblical or mythological subjects that addressed dark themes such as sin and death. Particularly interested in the narrative and details of the Crucifixion, Stuck devoted several canvases to this subject late in his career, during the difficult years of World War I. Calling on new scholarly theories regarding the Gospel accounts, Stuck departs from tradition and places Christ at eye level with the witnesses to his sufferings. The artist cleverly structures his composition, placing the viewer immediately to the left of the crucified thief in the foreground and to the right of the haloed Virgin Mary, thereby closing a solemn yet intimate circle. Stuck also chooses to show Christ with his feet side by side rather than overlapping\u2014again, referencing nineteenth-century debates about the historical details of this method of execution.

Object metadata can change over time, please check the Brooklyn Museum object record for the latest information.

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