1976 Bicentennial Mardi Gras Queen V/VIII

1976 Bicentennial Mardi Gras Queen V/VIII

This is the free photo or picture example named 1976 Bicentennial Mardi Gras Queen V/VIII for OffiDocs app Gimp, which can be considered as an online image editor or an online photo studio.


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Bicentennial Mardi Gras "Queen, V/VIII" on Bourbon Street, downtown New Orleans Shrove Tuesday, 1976 by photographer, silkscreen artist Don Johnson.

Took a road trip with Don Johnson, my photographer friend to 1976
Bicentennial Mardi Gras in New Orleans. After crashing on the floor
in a friend's apartment we put our costumes together, applied some
face paint, loaded up our cameras and headed for the throng. All I
can say is it was the biggest most spectacular outdoor celebration
party, whoo-haaa, I'd even seen! Good lots of good photos too!

Google Images for Mardi Gras 1976

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