Ambient-Energy-Generator 1.1

Ambient-Energy-Generator 1.1

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This is one of two jpeg files describing Don Smith's "Ambient Energy Generator". They are understood to be scans of the handouts that Smith distributed to those attending his seminar at the 2005 Inventors Weekend event.

The handouts were meant to help participants understand the invaluable practical application of an effect that Smith, ably assisted by his son, demonstrated live.

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What one sees is that, just as Smith stated over and over again, if a voltage is applied to ONE SIDE of a capacitor, the other side is instantly supplied by the Ambient with an identical voltage (albeit of the opposite polarity).

If one attaches to the second plate the simple output circuit that Smith outlines in his instructions to Bruce Perreault, what results (although not shown in the demonstration) is a flow of energy from the Ambient, through the secondary plate, on to the primary coil of an output transformer (L1), and into ground.

Power can then be drawn from the secondary coil of the output transformer (L2) to drive a load. The entire "energy capture" device (Ambient Energy Generator) will have been designed and built expressly for the purpose of driving that load.

NOTE: These files were preserved for a number of years by, where they continue to be made available at the time of this writing (May 2019):

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