Campfires And Science Poster Cambarville 16th March

Campfires And Science Poster Cambarville 16th March

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Title: Campfires & Science: Wild DNA in Cambarville

Campfires and Science
is a growing community of people who
head outdoors, light a campfire, and share knowledge. We lead regular, free
events in wild places to support scientific fieldwork and provide hands-on
training in the research methods that help us to best protect the environment.
Welcome to citizen science!

Join us at our second environmental
DNA sampling event where we\u2019ll be working with the Australian National
University, teaching people how to gather samples and look for a critically
endangered species which live in the trees. We\u2019ll also be inviting other
speakers around the campfire to share their knowledge. Learn more here.

Date and time: 16th March - 1:30pm
(optional overnight camping)

Location: Big River
Cambarville, (co-ordinates -37.5285279,145.9428916)

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