English Modernist Mirror (Art Deco) c.1930

English Modernist Mirror (Art Deco) c.1930

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English Modernist Mirror (Art Dco) c.1930

To whom it may concern,

My name is Nicholas Hill, l have joined the library in the hope that a Glass expert may be able to shed some light on a particular period glass at the beginning this century, 1920-1940 think??

Please find attached the photograph of what I think is an Art deco English Mirror, this period in particular is of interest to me as I find the contrast of color and geometric forms particularly unusual and event grade for its time. I am interested in finding out more information about designers and glass makers of the period.

Firstly, I have gone down the V&A route with little result and they advise me they have little information on glass of the period I then went to Pilkington glass that gave me slight hope with there glass train that toured England during the period, however the mirrors do no appear in their 1920-40 archives either.

There is a little information (a couple of mirrors) appear in RIBA pics (the Royal Institute of British Architect web site), but not enough. I seem to be getting closer to uncovering more information but rather stagnated at the moment...

I thank you in advance for any help and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards,

Nicholas Hill

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