A Black Hole Inside My Heart

A Black Hole Inside My Heart

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"A Black Hole Inside My Heart"

by: Wes Robert Ward

"Suddenly and without a cautious warning a black hole opened up inside my beating red heart.

Ripping my spiritual soul apart, piece by piece, blood by blood, causing a deep dark depression within, and making my life force want to simply end.

This black hole deep inside my beating red heart gets bigger and bigger every day, wider and wider, never going away, making me wonder why do I bother to pray.

Happiness, pure happiness is the only thing to put an end to that black hole, to fill my woe, it's about the only thing that could possibly bring peace to my spiritual soul.

And yet the deep dark depression within my beating red heart has touched my sleepless mind as well, and now I can only tell my beating red heart is about be gone forever\u2026 for that black hole is about to turn my beating red heart and the sadness in my soul\u2026 into a lump of black coal."

The End.

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