Alice In Playground Land

Alice In Playground Land

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"Alice In Playground Land"

by: Wes Robert Ward

Little Alice was a little rebel on the playground. Like the Hound of Baskerville she attacked the other children left and right with sticks and stones, and other things as well. Children thought she came from Hell.

If the Devil had a daughter then Alice would be perfect, for she'd deck the Pope himself then spit on his neck, kick him once then twice. She was not nice, she'd even give him a wet Willy in the ear then give him a wedgie in the rear. She fought, she lied, she stole, and she cheated. For a nine year old she pretty much broke seven commandments already, just a few more and the Devil himself might hide in Heaven.

One day little Alice took a jagged pointy battle club and faced a nine year old boy named Peter. She met her match that day when Peter came on to the playground holding a battleaxe. They've been feuding for some time because he cheated at a game of jacks. Soon after was a few fists and smacks.

Their hit points were at the max as they faced each other in mortal kombat by the monkey bars and slide. With nothing to hide they showed their hatred as they clashed their weapons steel to steel. Like the Highlanders that cut off heads, there can only be one and enough was said.

Chaos and mayhem filled that playground as they fought a bloody fight. Children left and right ran and screamed as Alice & Peter brought the battle to the Merry-Go-Round of Death.

It was called that for that is where Meth Heads died day by day. They loved to play once around the mulberry bush before injecting their tush with crystal meth, but that's another playground story\u2026 this story is more bloody and gory.

Oh sure, Alice & Peter were daft and dumb for each of their Moms came along and paddled their rears. With sore little butts they learned their wrongs and other stuff.

The moral of this story is you can be rough and tough, and sure be bad to the bone in school or playground, but if you fight arm to arm, be ready to face MOM. For Moms always win again and again.

And with that to be or not to be\u2026 the ruling must be flawless victory.

The End. \ud83d\udcaa

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