A Star In The Night

A Star In The Night

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"A Star in the Night"

by: Wes Robert Ward

"My mind is as fragile as my heart. Anyone and anything can tear it apart. I lie here in the semi-lit dark, like an unmoving rock, and sometimes wonder if it's all worth it, living in this Earthly pit of existence, and if I consciously hurt it feels like flying arrows hitting me deeply in the chest, my wild emotions have no rest.

I ponder and I wonder what's the point?

Thinking is sometimes a disadvantage to some, mine is a curse. What's the point of going on I think again? Why bother living? Living in this constant despair, breathing the same air, and I get disgusted looking at the ceiling, feeling tired and alone, wishing to go home\u2026 home where all my lost ones are gone forever, but never forgotten.

And tired and alone I then sit outside in an old wooden chair looking up into the cool night air, looking up to the starry sky, looking up to Heaven\u2026 the true home where the only way to get there is to die.

I see above me an ocean universe before me, above me like a tiny island in this galaxy of a sea, and I suddenly see before me a small bright blue star in the dark inkling of the night, lighting up before me, shining so far and away, but even though so far away and far it is, I feel this deep love illuminating all around me, and with that I finally see\u2026 I fall to my knees\u2026 and I am\u2026 at ease."

The End. \u2b50

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