

This is the free photo or picture example named daffodil_drawing_charlote_greenwood for OffiDocs app Gimp, which can be considered as an online image editor or an online photo studio.


Download or edit the free picture daffodil_drawing_charlote_greenwood for GIMP online editor. It is an image that is valid for other graphic or photo editors in OffiDocs such as Inkscape online and OpenOffice Draw online or LibreOffice online by OffiDocs.

Daffodil Drawing
by Charlote Greenwood

Date drawn: march 21st 2016

Soft pastel on 80gsm A4 paper
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Copyright 2016 Charlote Elizabeth Greenwood.

You may copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.
Under the following terms:
Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, and indicate
if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner,
but not in any way that suggests endorsement of you or your use.

NonCommercial - You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
NoDerivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material,
you may not distribute the modified material. No additional restrictions
- You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally
restrict others from doing anything this license permits.

Free picture daffodil_drawing_charlote_greenwood integrated with the OffiDocs web apps