David, at a local playland, ca 1954, Crenshaw Blvd, L. A.

David, at a local playland, ca 1954, Crenshaw Blvd, L. A.

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I remember this play land and the Boys Market, a chain grocery store, in the background. You can see a guy on the left operating a small roller-coaster and two of the cars ascending between the operator and me. The property where the play land was became a bowling alley with automatic doors, something totally new. Probably 1958 or so. I stupidly walked into the out door as someone was coming out. I was wearing flip flops, and tore the nail off my right big toe. I was with a friend and we had ridden our bicycles. I made it about half way home before I had to stop due of the pain. Phillip, my friend, rode the rest of the way to get my mom. By the time he got there, he had exaggerated my wound in his mind to the point that I was missing at least half my toe, maybe more! Completely freaked the fuck out of my mom, understandably, who came and rescued me. We laughed our asses off so many times about that incident in the coming years!

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