Dont Forget About Me

Dont Forget About Me

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"Don't Forget About Me"

by: Wes Robert Ward

Don't forget about me even when the deep blue sea turns tide and I have gone from this world and died. Though through tears that have somewhat cried and those that denied if they have cared for me just know that I loved each and every one with no hatred in my heart.

Drawn apart and divided we have traveled our own road in years of yorn. Alas born to live and die in mortal days and nights. We have all wronged and we have all right. Are we not heart and soul? Or are we just an empty hole?

Will people remember me? Will family and friends still love me? Ye, of little faith, does not the Shepherd tend his sheep, and tend their graves for when they die? Do we all not cry? Or are we just an empty shell inside.

A proud man stands before you all. Soon in life to fall on his knees, breathing air as he can, soon to lie upon the land grasping sand in hopes his burial brings forth a bloom of flowers in his hours of his parting demise. And as his enlightened eyes take to closing, and as he breathes his last breath, and as he departs from his dying heart, listen well and he will say, "Be who you must be, but don't forget about me."

A caring woman sits before you all. Soon in life to age and wither away in her last days of decay. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust\u2026. an angel she is, not to be recalled as an old lady with a broom. Remember some of us came from her womb and she who always had room in her heart, and as she slips away she will impart, "Truly I will see what heaven must be, but please don't forget about me."

Don't forget about me. Words that you'll hear through dying lips, if not from me then whoever it be. And in an open sea of ships that sail away to some harbor in the sky, take heart in those last words of the wise.

Don't forget about me.

Don't forget about them.

Don't forget about us.

The End. \ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\ude07

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