Buncha Eli - The pointing and more

Buncha Eli - The pointing and more

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1 - With a bottle. An excellent look, imo.

2 - The point with bottle and milk carton. Beautiful. I believe this was taken in Middle Valley. Someone had bought a few acres from Tom Hall. It was right across from the round barn, at the intersection of West Valley Rd and Middle Valley Rd. The person started building a small house but defaulted before he got the floor fully sheathed. Tom offered me the floor if I would take it apart and haul it off. It became most of the floor joists for my cabin and some sheathing. I think it took me about two weeks to deconstruct and haul it off. Thank you, Tom.

Tom Hall was an unusual guy. I think he and his wife Ruth were in their 60s when we bought Lucky Mud. He was one of if not the last elected municipal judge, an elected position in the state of Washington, who was not a lawyer. He and Ruth, were religious, but there was never any discussion of it. Oh, and he was a Republican because, he once told me, Lincoln was a Republican. No arguing with that. In fact, he had run as the Republican candidate for Governor once. One time in the early 1980s, he was working on his tractor in his garage. While laying on the ground under it, the tractor somehow shifted in a forward gear, rear wheel running directly over his head (between the treads) and through the back wall of the garage. A neighbor saw the tractor and ran over to investigate, found Tom with his head crushed on the garage floor. He ran into the house and called 911. The nearest hospital is about an hour away. The ambulance finally arrived and took him to the hospital. He lived and his head was wired back together but he never looked the same. Where there once had been a long thin face there was now one short and squat. Fucking amazing.

3 - Ahhhh, yes, over there. Dang. Where is it? Pilgrim Farm? Definitely new shoes. :)

4 - Eli and the classic point, I\u2019m guessing in double exposure.

5 - Oh, Eli and the classic point. I love this picture. Beat up shoes, in a field, face in shadow, the point highlighted. I love this picture.

On a sad note, Congressman John Lewis died today. What a great and beautiful human being.

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