Goodbye, Red Balloon, Goodbye

Goodbye, Red Balloon, Goodbye

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"Goodbye, Red Balloon, Goodbye"

by: Wes Robert Ward

"Oh alas, red balloon in the sky, soaring so far, floating so high, leaving my childhood behind. Leaving behind the days of yore, closing so many forgotten doors that will never open again. The end, the end, this is the end. Goodbye, red balloon, goodbye.

With one strong gust of wind, my younger days are gone, never to be seen again. Never, what such a word as never. For I could reach out my unreachable hand as far as I can and try to grab that string and bring back my red balloon, but alas so soon my red balloon drifts away as if to say goodbye. Goodbye, red balloon, goodbye.

Oh alas, what a sadness begin, when does this tearful madness end? Watching something so beautiful as a red balloon floating away never to be seen again so makes one cry, just cry, and want to die inside. My red heart wants to break, yes, heartbroken I am, as I watch my red balloon float away from land into the deep deep sky, leaving me behind to grow up then die. Goodbye, red balloon, goodbye.

From red to gray to blue, sadness blooms within, what began must end. Timeless as it may, our childhood days float away just like the red balloon sailing to the moon. Goodbye, red balloon, goodbye childhood, goodbye dreams of yesterday, come what may, floating away. Goodbye, red balloon, goodbye."

The End. \ud83c\udf88

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