Horace s, Aug. 1981

Horace s, Aug. 1981

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Horace and I at the dining room table at Sheila\u2019s. Once again I\u2019m wearing my SRF t-shirt. It was a good shirt, and Yogananda was really an amazing guy, mumbo jumbo aside. :)

I believe that\u2019s the Moosewood cookbook on the table. Molly Katzen\u2019s calzone recipe is a real favorite of mine and I continue to make it to this day. Thanks for turning me on to Moosewood, Vic.

I believe the watch Horace is wearing is Toro branded. I have that and it is among the items that will go to Eli.

I had forgotten I used to wear a brass and copper bracelet thingy.

Based on where the sun is shining directly/how the shadows are falling, I\u2019d guess we had just eaten dinner, most like with fish as the protein. I\u2019m guessing Sheila had put the addition on her house by this time.

By the time this picture had been taken, I had shaved my beard for the one and only time. (NOT the mustache.) I think that was around 1976. I had planned to keep it off for 6 weeks, but only made it 3. I\u2019m someone who has always considered scraping the hair off one\u2019s body to be a really sophisticated thing to do (especially given \u201csophisticate\u201d\u2019s original meaning), just not particularly civilized. How exactly is it \u201ccivilized?\u201d! What I remember most distinctly falls into two classes. First, the wind and sun on my face were revelatory! I hadn\u2019t felt that in nearly a decade, if not slightly longer. I think I still remember what it felt like. HA! Second, was people\u2019s action (or lack thereof). We were living at Lucky Mud when I engaged in that sophisticated act, which is seven miles outside of our tiny unincorporated village which is in a county without a traffic light (to this day!). There was a small general store in town and we had a tab there. Everybody at the store (basically the owners and some of their kin) knew us well. The first time I bought anything following my face scraping, I simply said, \u201cPut it on my tab, Clara,\u201d knowing identifying her by name would only add to the mystery. A quizzical look appeared on her face. She clearly knew that dang voice, but the face, why is that oh so familiar voice coming from that unknown mug. She kind of stammered, \u201cUh, I\u2019m sorry, but who are you again?\u201d I\u2019m such an asshole. \u201cOh, you know,\u201d then a couple of seconds later, after the questioning look reappeared even more apparent, \u201cRobin.\u201d She looked again and we both had a good laugh.

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