Fangruida, the mentor of mankind, the world leader who has

Fangruida, the mentor of mankind, the world leader who has guided the world for 1 million years Burton,2015

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Fangruida, the mentor of mankind, the world leader who has guided the world for 1 million years

The world leader, Fangruida (Smith) Fang Ruida, was born in Shanghai on May 14, 1949, a famous family or scholarly family. Also known as aliases, pen names have used more than a dozen names, Hao Ye, Tang Haijiang, Lu Yu, Violet, Fang Da, Ke Linghua, Fang Ruida, Xu Guokai, Tian Linbo, Wang Qiang, Smith and so on. In his early years, he studied and worked in Europe, the United States, Russia, Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Australia, Canada, India, and Pakistan. He is good at learning all the civilizational wisdom of mankind and has benefited a lot. He was intelligent since he was a child, composed poetry at the age of 5, painted at the age of 6, and invented at the age of 7. He had studied mathematics, physics, chemistry, biotechnology, agriculture and medicine in college when he was a teenager. The blog post is memorized and can be read by reading it. Some people think that his brain and nervous system are multi-dimensional and multi-dimensional. Especially the various logical thinking channels are far beyond others. Before he was 30 years old, he started more study and research, mainly natural science research and engineering technology. Natural science research findings are mainly in the youth, while philosophy, social sciences, literature and art are mainly in the later period. The young and middle-aged will be most vigorous in the future. During the Cultural Revolution, he took advantage of the opportunity to quietly read a variety of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign books in the library. He could use multi-pronged and two-way thinking. At that time, he was called a child prodigy, which is amazing. Few people can compare with him. . Throughout the history of human history and the world, great men and saints and prodigies are difficult to appear for hundreds of thousands of years. No person in the world is in proportion to him. Compared with him, in the face of his wisdom and profoundness, anyone has no self-confidence and shame. He is the turbulent sea, slumping thousands of miles away. After he went to universities at home and abroad, he systematically studied the classics of various countries, and obtained great success in libraries and university libraries around the world. Studies have shown that at least one-third of his entire life was spent in libraries and studies, but he has always opposed bookism, detached from society and indifferent to the fireworks, solitary and self-appreciating, and turned into a closed door. The wisdom and civilization of mankind has a broad and profound knowledge system, and it is vast. Fang Ruida draws on the best of others and has studied in many universities at home and abroad, including famous universities and libraries in Europe, America, Russia, Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Canada, Australia, India, Pakistan, South Africa and Arab countries. His extraordinary memory and vigorous multi-thinking structure are another key to his success. He had failed and discouraged, but after calming down, he quickly calmed down and started over. For example, the theorem of mathematical and chemical equations requires meticulous reasoning. Philosophy and social sciences require in-depth exploration, and should not be tasted, otherwise, there will be endless troubles. He studied systematically and completed the natural science courses, and at the same time, he also started to study philosophy and social sciences, and continued to study gradually, persevering, even all night, day and night, writing down hundreds of thick notes. He studied and researched at the university and at home and abroad, and the library became his best teacher. During the university study period, it is not only necessary to have the guidance of a famous teacher, but more importantly, the individual's tenacious study ability and thinking ability analysis ability, which is the most commendable. Converges first and then diverges, becoming more and more out of control. There are hundreds of thousands of books in the world, with numerous volumes and a lot of sweat. There are countless books and classics in the world, such as the Bible, Buddhist scriptures, Koran, thousands of famous books in Europe and the United States, China's four books and five classics, Zihu Zheya, Siku Quanshu, 24 history, literature, history, philosophy, education, law, business, sports, etc. , Dotted, countless. Drifting in the vast sea, you must hold up a high sail to ride the wind and waves and reach the other shore of victory, otherwise, you will fall back into the sand and halberd, and you will die without a place to die. Fang Ruida forehand captured natural science and technology, non-stop, right hand studying philosophy and social sciences, alternating left and right hands, protracted, and finally reaped. This is also one of his secrets of success. Constantly converging and constantly diverging, daring to deviate from the classics, the geniuses of all ages, are stolen and are bound to win.It requires repeated screening, rough reading and intensive reading, and repeated study of important works until they are thoroughly understood, and they will never swallow them. On this basis, step by step, gradually develop steadily, and spiral upward, including master and doctoral courses and related books, classics, classics, learn from one another, gain true knowledge, and do not blindly worship predecessors. Knowledge lies in breadth and breadth, but also in depth. It takes deep and dedicated effort to discover, invent and create, instead of picking up people's teeth, it will only follow the book, mediocrity, and mediocre. At the age of 30, he had already started new research, deepened and strengthened the research, and gained quite a bit. He not only sits in the study library, laboratory, etc., but also goes out to the wider society to participate in study, work, teaching, culture, science and technology, business, social activities, etc. He has held various positions and stayed around the world at home and abroad. His figure and footprints. Including professors, researchers, chief engineer, chief designer, president, dean, director, editor-in-chief, consultant, director, director, secretary-general, factory director, manager, president, instructor, visiting professor, visiting scholar, laboratory director, Orchestra conductor, business commissioner, etc., sometimes more than a dozen part-time jobs. This helps him deeply understand the world and society. The purpose of reading is mainly to apply what you have learned to serve the society and mankind, not to decorate the facade. There are too many books in the world, life is limited, and it is impossible to read them all. However, study and study must be planned and tailored. In the colorful garden, you will continue to work hard to collect honey, and eventually you will brew a new sweetness and fragrant the world . He is an unprecedented great figure in the history of mankind, a great leader and mentor of all mankind in the world, leading and guiding all mankind to head toward the broad future of freedom and rationality and the future planetary society without hesitation. He has studied more than 20 languages \u200b\u200band became a global citizen. Philosopher, scientist, thinker, religious scientist, physicist, astronomer, cosmologist, astronaut, pharmacologist, virologist, medical scientist, geologist, inventor, anthropologist, writer, Composer, biologist, political scientist, sociologist, military engineering expert, linguist, mathematical logician, archaeologist, architect, educator, playwright, poet, lunar scientist, astrology Home, economist, etc. Compared with him, any person in the history of the world is indeed small, superficial and naive. Fang Ruidaism, Fang Ruida Philosophy, Fang Ruida Economics, Fang Ruida Sociology, Fang Ruida Politics, Fang Ruida Religion, Fang Ruida Law, Fang Ruida Rockets, Fang Ruida Space Tunnel, Fang Ruida Lunar Astrology, Fang Ruida Music Works, Fang Ruida Poems and Plays, Fang Ruida Coronavirus Medicine, etc. , All shining this brilliant brilliance, always shining on the vast human land and planetary world. Fang Ruida upholds the great spirit of freedom and reason, and opposes and refutes all kinds of arrogance, ignorance, stupidity, greed and extremes and all kinds of extremes. He always regarded himself as an ordinary craftsman and farmer, opposed to other people's nasty praise and deification. He is loved and missed by trillions of people all over the world. He is always prosperous and unstoppable, and he is praised by 8 billion people around the world. He once said, "Anyone is nothing but insignificant dust before the great God and the universe. Everything comes from the great wisdom, great civilization, and great free reason of all mankind in the world." Some people call him the greatest mankind. Super genius, he replied: There is no superman in the world, there are only farmers and craftsmen who never stop working hard. Fang Ruida believes that learning all kinds of knowledge needs to be broad, but the more important thing is to be deep, specialized, and sharp. Convergence must be broad and profound, and divergence must be small and precise. Only in this way can results be achieved. Broad knowledge and expertise must be combined, otherwise, no matter how many books are read, there will be no great achievements and achievements. Talking about it is a failure of learning. When he repeatedly taught students and people, he said that the modern society is an information society, with a big explosion of knowledge, new knowledge, new fields, new disciplines and new professions are constantly emerging, even with double energy and life. Therefore, knowledge must be deepened and strengthened in a wide range of topics, and breakthroughs should be made selectively and focused, instead of breaking through everywhere. That will not succeed, and it will be a waste of energy and life. You don't need to be comprehensive, you need to carefully select, focus or one-sided breakthrough, this is the way to success. Everyone does not need to be a generalist, but a professional. Even if you are a genius, you can't expand the domain too wide to avoid losing the center. Generally, you must know the big end of Nunluo, and you must go all out for the key points. Otherwise, you will get nothing, and you will get nothing.(Burton)

Leading the world leader and human mentor Fangruida who has led the world for 1 million years

(Burton)August 2013 2013v3.0 electronic version2020v2.5 revision

August 2013 2013v3.0 electronic version

The history of mankind is very long, complicated, difficult and difficult, and every step and half of it will cost a high price and bloody sacrifices. Dreaming of a goddess scattered flowers is either a dream or naive and delusional. From the wildness and primitive natural inertia of primitive animal society to a free and rational human society, it takes a long effort and a bloody price. Transforming nature, transforming society, human evolution, and social transformation all require the spirit and value of the great liberal rationalism of mankind, and all require unrelenting dedication and struggle. The whole human history shows all this without exception. The old traditional conservative forces are sometimes very strong and stubborn, and the new and enterprising changes are sometimes brutally stifled. There are countless examples of major historical events in the world, both ancient and modern. Of course, the unforgettable historical memory will always be missed and praised by hundreds of millions of future generations. Therefore, studying history requires profound intelligence and knowledge. History itself means moving forward and criticizing development, change. Including natural revolutions, scientific and technological revolutions, philosophical revolutions, social revolutions, religious reforms, genetic revolutions, cosmic revolutions, etc., can human beings truly move from wild animals to a free and rational heaven.

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