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IMG 4423 Wischnu Bottrop ( 21.12.2020)

Free download IMG 4423 Wischnu Bottrop ( 21.12.2020) free photo or picture to be edited with GIMP online image editor



Download or edit the free picture IMG 4423 Wischnu Bottrop ( 21.12.2020) for GIMP online editor. It is an image that is valid for other graphic or photo editors in OffiDocs such as Inkscape online and OpenOffice Draw online or LibreOffice online by OffiDocs.


Der Glaube der Wischnu,
dieser ist auch wie Du,
will das Gute erreichen,
Böses muss dem weichen.

Ein Lied ganz kostenlos,
das Schöne ist uns Gro,
wo kein Neid Gier Egoist,
in Weisheit darin geniet.

Wischnu dem Guten Staat,
jeder darin gleiches hat,
Einkommen, Rente, Besitz,
sonst wäre der ein Witz.

Das jedem Menschen Wohl,
ein Selbes Gleiche soll,
entwickelt das die Zeit,
Wischnu seine Heiligkeit.

Public Domain and Freeware of course
DJ Anonymous


The faith of the Wi-N.Y.
this is also like you,
wants to achieve the good,
Evil must give way to this.

A song completely free,
the beautiful is great to us,
where no envy greed egoist,
in wisdom in it.

Wischnu the Good State,
everyone has the same in it,
Income, pension, possession,
otherwise it would be a joke.

The well-being of every human being,
a same should be the same,
develops the time to
Wischnu his holiness.

Public Domain and Freeware of course
DJ Anonymous

Free picture IMG 4423 Wischnu Bottrop ( 21.12.2020) integrated with the OffiDocs web apps

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