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Ancestor of the modern game of bingo is considered the Italian Lo Giuoco del Lotto D'Italia, the first mention of which relates to 1530, but in fact, this game goes back to the tradition of elections of members of the Great Council of Genoa at the beginning of the XVI century by pulling balls with numbers. Then, the game spread to other countries and to the XIX century is known throughout Europe as well as in Russia.

Actually in the present embodiment, a bingo associated with the American Edwin Lowe [1]. During the Great Depression, his selling toy company went bankrupt, and he was looking for a new occupation. On one of the fairs of its attention was drawn to a group of gambling Italians. Players were given a card on which they via beans noted precipitated forms. Winner shouted bBean go!\u00bb ( bBean goes") - this cry and gave the name of the game. Edwin slightly modified rules of the game, began to sell game kits and organized a game in New York. Lowe ordered to develop a card for the bingo math professor Carl Leffler. He created a unique 6000 bingo cards; popular but unconfirmed facts myth claims that as a result he has gone mad.
Bingo quickly became popular in English-speaking countries. Despite the fact that it is essentially a game of chance, it is closer to the lottery, so it was not serious in many countries, restrictions on bingo. Moreover, bingo is often played at churches, as part of the collected money goes to charity, or the needs of the parish.

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