Symphony No. 3 in C minor

Symphony No. 3 in C minor

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Symphony No. 3 in C minor, Op. 78 "Organ Symphony" by Camille Saint Saens (1835-1921). The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Loris Tjeknavorian (1937- ) with Noel Rawsthorne (1929-2019), organist. Recorded March 19-20, 1980 in Liverpool Cathedral, Liverpool, England. Liverpool Cathedral is the fifth-largest in the world. The organ was completed in 1926 and has been restored and modified over the years. It is the largest church organ in the world. Chalfont's recording was made using the Soundstream Digital Recording System. Transfer from the original Chalfont stereo LP SDG 312 by Bob Varney.

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