Veggie Mango, Authentic Mongolian Style Ripe Mango Curry

Veggie Mango, Authentic Mongolian Style Ripe Mango Curry \u2013 Mongolian Village West

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Are you fond of mangoes?

These green, semi-ripe mangoes adds-up an incomparable depth
of flavour to many dishes. Here, they are combined with mushrooms, bell
peppers, and tofu for giving you a flavourful Mongolian mongo
that is served over rice or noodles.

Sweet, tangy, savoury \u2026 this Vegetable
Mongolian Mango curry
does it all! Protein-rich and fresh vegetables are
coated with a homemade teriyaki sauce and served over noodles or rice.

The concept is to cook the vegetables quickly over high heat
goes a long way in bringing out the flavours and colours in them without ever
compromising on the freshness and texture you get from raw veggies.

We use a combination of carrots, red onions, colourful bell
peppers, broccoli, snow peas, and the last but not the least, they finish it
off with the mangoes.
