The Sea Of Lost Serenity

The Sea Of Lost Serenity

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"The Sea Of Lost Serenity"

by: Wes Robert Ward

In all my days of longing and all my nights of yearning, I see within the life of me something beyond the stars in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder where you are or where you ever been.

Perhaps it could be just the twinkling of the eye or an un-moveable force that can only partake in such pure rapture within me, though without me, I'd say just possibly not know how or when my lust for life will end.

I feel it deep inside, as wide as the moon and as far as the galaxy light years away. It's alive within me, beating like a constant drum that never ends, but will mayhap some day. Though when and how, it does not matter. Life is like a ladder, one rung at a time.

The heart is a part of us, no lying about that. And yes, as far as eyes can see, the heart is bigger than eternity and beyond. Thump, thump it goes, and as much as the wind blows, the more it thumps, the more it goes.

Oh, could it be without words to say that the heart is our only true love. For it beats as wild as the days of yore, and as the waves come crashing on to the shore, we see past things that never are and never were.

And so silently as I sit overlooking the dying red sun basking over the Sea of Lost Serenity, I wonder what tomorrow may bring to my lonely heart that rots away, day by day.

And so the soothing sea takes me slowly and what was I, myself, imprinted on sand and beach, no more am I here today, but gone tomorrow.

The End. \ud83c\udf05

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