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Pokemon Triple TG

Free download Pokemon Triple TG free photo or picture to be edited with GIMP online image editor



Download or edit the free picture Pokemon Triple TG for GIMP online editor. It is an image that is valid for other graphic or photo editors in OffiDocs such as Inkscape online and OpenOffice Draw online or LibreOffice online by OffiDocs.

I thought it would take a very long time to do something like this, but it really didn't (well, it did for me, but that's because I'm lazy). This is a triple tg process of my original character Benji turning into the three different Pokemon girls, all of whom I think are some of the most adorable girls in Anime.

I've had kind of a lull recently, and I didn't really feel like investing myself in something big like a comic, so I wanted to do another process first, and I was going to do Dawn from Pokemon. Unfortunately, I found Dawn very hard to draw, and among all the practice I was putting in for her, I started drawing Misty in order to get the feel of it (Misty being the same age, build, and art style as Dawn). Since I just wanted to get this done, I started considering a Misty TG instead, but I loved Dawn so much and I wanted to draw and color her cute little dress, so in the end, I decided to do both, and then later, all three.

Another fun fact, the final product was the first time I ever drew May. I liked how she turned out, except for her chin.

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