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Horace, Ida, Sheila, Robin, Flynn in Canada

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Horace, Ida, Sheila, Robin, Susan. I think at Sheila\u2019s. Vicki may have taken this. I'll call this 1982, but I'm not positive.

If I am correct and this was taken at Sheila\u2019s, it would have been behind the house. About 20 feet past us is a steep grade eventually leading to, if I recall correctly, the north fork of the McKenzie River. When Sheila and Dale, the ex, first moved into their new house, maybe late 1968, they got their water from the river below. I can remember having to climb down the hillside, and it\u2019s both steep and far, to clear the screen so water could flow more easily into the pipe or, at other times, shift the position of the pipe.

I\u2019m wearing a Self Realization Fellowship t-shirt in this, so I\u2019m guessing this was during my short-lived religious \u201cexperience.\u201d I liked that shirt. It was all cotton, heavy duty, and the SRF swan logo had no text to identify it. Don\u2019t want to be wearing a religious t-shirt amongst a bunch of fucking atheists. HA!

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