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LeadBox in Chrome with OffiDocs

LeadBox  screen for extension Chrome web store in OffiDocs Chromium



Fetch information about your leads (website, phone numbers, etc) and organize them in a single place.

All with one click.

For example, imagine browsing the web looking for companies our users that may be a good fit for your product.

You may start with LinkedIn and find 10 potential customers you plan to contact later.

You saved them in your LinkedIn portal.

Then you go on the web and find 10 other leads via a google search.

You save each one of those as a "favorite" in your browser for easy access later.

So far you have 20 leads you can contact.

The problem is that they are in separate places (10 are in LinkedIn and 10 are saved as "favorite" in your browser).

If you want to integrate them into a single place, perhaps an excel sheet, you would manually have to do it by a copy/paste procedure, which is highly inefficient.

LeadBox solves this issue.

Instead of saving the leads in LinkedIn or in "favorites", you click the LeadBox extension and the program will save your lead's URL and any important information they list on their website, such as phone numbers.

LeadBox is a great tool for: - Entrepreneurs and sales reps looking for customers - Recruiters seeking talented people - Job seekers looking for their next opportunity - Individuals creating a list of service providers

Additional Information:

- Offered by The Power of Simplicity
- Average rating : 5 stars (loved it)
- Developer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

LeadBox web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online

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