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Aspen Attendance Email Tweaks in Chrome with OffiDocs

Aspen Attendance  Email Tweaks  screen for extension Chrome web store in OffiDocs Chromium



This extension tweaks and/or adds some functionality in the Follett Apsen Gradebook and Attendance reports.

More specifically, it a) allows you to copy some or all of the email addresses from the Gradebook --> Roster report as well as the Students-->Student List report, and b) better enables/disables the absent/present button in the Attendance reports, adds a count of the number present/absent students at the top of the report, and, last but not least, auto-selects the TimeIn field in the Lates dialog so all you have to do is enter the time.

NB - this extension is currently setup to only work with the Aspen SIS for the Ottawa Carleton District School Board (OCDSB).

Contact me directly if you are interested in it for your board To see things in action, simply open Aspen and change to the Gradebook tab Select one of your classes If necessary, change to a field set which includes email addresses Then select one or more rows in the table Click the copy emails icon (which'll appear on the left side of the screen.



right above the table) The email addresses will be auto-magically copied to the clipboard so you can paste them into your email tool (NB: use the BCC option!) Alternatively, go to the Attendance report for a class Click `A` to mark a student absent (and the button will be disabled); click `P` to mark them present (and the absent button will be re-enabled) Click `L` to mark a student late and the Time In field will be auto-selected.



no not a magical feature but it'll save you several clicks per day v0.0.1 - initial public release v0.0.2 - fixed HTML & CSS for extension pop-up window; expanded the `matches` URL to include the students page (as well as the gradebook page) v0.0.3 - added present/absent counts to the top of the attendance page; added get email functionality to the School View-->Students page(s) v0.0.4 - the following minor changes: - Attendance: tweaked the code to calculate the present/absent - Attendance: added code to auto-select the timeIn field in the Late pop-up dialog - Email: clicking anywhere in a row (as long as it is not already hyperlinked), selects or deselects the checkbox v0.0.5 - the following minor changes: - modified the name to reflect that the extension tweaks both attendance and email capabilities - Attendance: tweaked the code to calculate the present/absent - Attendance: added code to auto-select the timeIn field in the Late pop-up dialog - Email: clicking anywhere in a row (as long as it is not already hyperlinked), selects or deselects the checkbox v0.0.6 - the following minor changes: - Attendance: fixed an oops error in CountAbs().




Additional Information:

- Offered by Al Caughey
- Average rating : 0 stars (hated it)
- Developer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Aspen Attendance Email Tweaks web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online

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