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Perception by RiDiscovery in Chrome with OffiDocs

Perception by RiDiscovery  screen for extension Chrome web store in OffiDocs Chromium



Perception Chrome Extension by RiDiscovery Cyber Security is a mindset and we will help you build it.

Every time you open a new tab, Perception by RiDiscovery delivers a power-packed quote to build a secure mindset in this digital era.

This will help you to build a strong perception of cyber security.

FEATURES: - New tab, new quote, better work - Smooth, no-clutter interface - Adaptive to varying screen sizes - Impactful quotes around cyber security, hacking news, etc.

Quotes sourced from across the RiDiscovery, Certbar team & community.

Learn more about the features and updates on Perception by RiDiscovery for Chrome at https://perception.



Additional Information:

- Offered by
- Average rating : 5 stars (loved it)
- Developer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Perception by RiDiscovery web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online

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