Adversus Caracalla - Par\u00e0 tois Anaboliki, 2nd part

Adversus Caracalla - Par\u00e0 tois Anaboliki, 2nd part

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Selected Numismatics, Reliefs, Statues and Temples of the Romans at the 2nd century A.C.

Publius Aelius Hadrianus, Lucius Verus Commodus, Fulvius Aurelius Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus, Publius Antoninus Geta, Iulia Maesa avita Cassia Rogata.

The copies of the numismatic specimen from Publius Aelius Hadrianus and his adoptiv son Lucius Aelius Verus Commodus are published with permission of the Münzauktionshaus Fritz Rudolf Künker, Osnabrück.

The copies of the numismatic specimen from Avidius Cassius (Cassius Severus) and Pescennius Vitulus Niger are published with the permission of the Staatliche Museen Berlin by Reinhard Saczewski and Bernd Kluge.

The copies of the photos from the reliefs at the temple of Esna are published with the permission of Elvira Kronlob.

The copies of the figures with the arrangements of the reliefs at the temple of Esna are from Serge Sauneron, Le Temple du Esne, Kairo 1963 - 1975.

The photos of the statues of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus and his son Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus are done in the Museum of the ancient place Leptis Magna.

The photos of the lead tesserae with the circumscription "Anaboliki" have been used as money during the combat against Virius Lupus at Lugdunum. The photos are published by Paul Dissard 1907.

The photos of the Colosseum at the ancient Thysdrus, today el-Djem, are published by Hans D. Francke 1965.

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