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a went to the wild river 16:20 today

to lay himself onto the rocks and bath in the rays
of the octobersun

he did think visualise some sexy scenes and after this heat was gone he saw some violet spheres claening up all the shores of the landmasses on this planet

one pictuer was the now 500 miles diameter big spheres were taking up each scrap of plastik and all the toxins in the water radioactivity ... all what harms human animal plants

he finished the mental journey with thinking about moments in his life what needed healing

now he writes this lines, and thinks about the effect on the human beings in the areas where the spheres would pass
eventually, they would not notice it visually as the sphere could change its hull according to the needs at this exact position

so we have a person bathing at the seabeach
the sphere comes
the person notices a faint wind at the moment its hull goes trough the person
some plastik garbage around him will be instantly dissapearing as the hull sucks them in to disassemble it
the sphere than nurtures its hull with the now decomposed plastic and radioactivity toxins etc.

some of the toxic serves as fuel for the sphere some of it is being sampled and in highly dilluted potentiated form and the right combination with other beauty rich abundance will be offered to the persons who actually would like to understand how humanity has poisoned its environment in the last hundred years or so

as with all violet spheres they take what is given to them with joy and relief
they take signatures of beauty and abundance what they find on their ways to the persons having asked for help
and the patients can choose what amount of beaty and what amount of dilluted toxicity they would like to ingest or massaged into their skin

after writing this he gets up to try dancing, but it
is all mind now and so he walks around a bit on the stones makes photos of the algae beauty
to sit down again nearer to the river

and he asks himself where he would like to comtinue thinking.... the somewhat autobiographical line of a or perhaps with ascende and perma in paris where they are trying to get a chameleons skin dna to grow together with a human skin what has grown into allready photosynthesis cells

or eventually some seetrough philosphy writing...

seentrough a glass of water was some 10 years ago a line of photographes a could do... and movies ...

or how about it all combined and twisting the autobiography bit

ascende used one of this kits one could print out from the internet
he created for himself a novel input and display solution
at his hands and all his joints on his body he had tiny soft textile bands weighing only 3 gramms each
into these bands were the sensors woven into what would allow the central data processing unit to know the exact position of all moving parts of the body
he had also a full body suit wearing about 200 gramms what allowed himself to see his muscles and flesh in realtime

the compter being woven into a poach one could wear anywhere on ones body with some small lightweight straps... as the computing unit itself was the size of a small flat matchbox or a watch for example... on his head he wore glasses what have been available since some times

with them he made photographies and movies on all the experiments petri dishes bioreactor algae growing
also sometimes he took a glass filled with water to see trough it.... in order to inform this water in his glass what he was experiencing happening in his laboratory
or their lab as perma too was now part of his life

not long after perma moved in with ascende in paris to make sure he would not waste the chameleon dna she so preciously got donated when she meditated at the chamaeleon forest

not long and they were a romanticly sexually active couple
she took him right into her mouth and sucked his sperm off to digest ... and he was worshipping her vulva

ascende used one of this kits one could print out from the internet
he created for himself a novel input and display solution
at his hands and all his joints on his body he had tiny soft textile bands weighing only 3 gramms each
into these bands were the sensors woven into what would allow the central data processing unit to know the exact position of all moving parts of the body
he had also a full body suit wearing about 200 gramms what allowed himself to see his muscles and flesh in realtime

the compter being woven into a poach one could wear anywhere on ones body with some small lightweight straps... as the computing unit itself was the size of a small flat matchbox or a watch for example... on his head he wore glasses what have been available since some times

with them he made photographies and movies on all the experiments petri dishes bioreactor algae growing
also sometimes he took a glass filled with water to see trough it.... in order to inform this water in his glass what he was experiencing happening in his laboratory
or their lab as perma too was now part of his life

not long after perma moved in with ascende in paris to make sure he would not waste the chameleon dna she so preciously got donated when she meditated at the chamaeleon forest

not long and they were a romanticly sexually active couple
she took him right into her mouth and sucked his sperm off to digest ... and he was worshipping her vulva with his broad tongue, flapping her clitoris to make her squirt in his mouth

oh that was unintended kind of spontaneus erotic phrase....

to continue watching ascende and perma getting more and more into synchronistic and love filled
it took some days of them spreading to love in the appartement while the skin cells of perma and the chameleon would grow into each other

but it was done

now there were bioreactors carrying humanplant cells from ascendes line of experiments and others carrying the perma and chameleon fusionated cells

2 weeks passed while they both were happy with each other and tending to the petridishes bioreactors watching and nurturing their co-creations

they both were humble enough to acknowledge the whole creation and all of its creators or the one...
to be the giving entity of the life force what fuelled the experiments success
this was not their property altough the source has allowed the person to have a say with how the genes are being handled

30 minutes later
a has washed himself in the wild river, danced in the little sandpatches laid himself again on the stones

where he saw in his mind how the human and plant cells grow together

drawing it rudimentarily

a walks home towards
when he thinks about how could there be a link
of the line of storytelling where they grew it into their very own bodies at the pools

would it be acceptable for the reader to have ascende and perma bathing itselves with their cell creations ?

a tends towards yes, as it might be an important research field ...

the human and animal cells were fusioning together nicely and were multypling strongly
perma made herself a bath with where she enjoyed beautifull visualisations of molecular and microscopic levels how the new kind of cells were adding itself to her own skin

she only used a patch the size of a fingernail

the ability to see the synthesis of this tiny bit of new cells with her skin... came trough her studying the microscope and smoking ganja with ascende with also eating psylocibin mushrooms from the darkchambers in ascende s appartement in paris

she had been eating psylos and eating as well as smoking marihuana also in her tropical permaculture hut

when she leaft the bathroom still baffled by the dreamlike insights she just got donated with

she told ascende about her success

listening to it, ascende wanted to try it to with his
co-creation of human and plant skin functions...
and also him got the vision donated when he saw the 2cm2 of new cells being fusioned into his body

happy on that success they went to bed to celebrate their reunions with the new cells

the next morning ascende saw a perma what skin has blended in smothly with the white of the cushions and the windowsheets

while himself noticing a warm nurturing sensation
when he opens the curtains to let sunshine on his skin

so... miraculously the properties of the new cells have speed delivered their capabilities to the old cells of the whole human body
an x-fold magnification of skin regrowing changing times

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