Eli in a yellow onesy, Dec. 1975

Eli in a yellow onesy, Dec. 1975

This is the free photo or picture example named Eli in a yellow onesy, Dec. 1975 for OffiDocs app Gimp, which can be considered as an online image editor or an online photo studio.


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I think this may have been taken at an apartment we lived in in Portland over xmas 1975. I don't recognize the sink with the towel rack on its side, but we only lived in that apartment for a few of months 45 years ago.

I do remember that the year we lived there we were walking through a large store's parking lot when we found a cheap brown plastic wallet on the ground. No ID or other identifying marks, just $600 in cash. It was xmas, and as usual we were just skating by. I called the store, told them the story, gave them our phone number and never heard back from them. We all had a particularly nice xmas that year. I felt really shitty for the person who lost the wallet. Probably in substantially worse fiscal shape than we were. :(

Free picture Eli in a yellow onesy, Dec. 1975 integrated with the OffiDocs web apps