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To Commemorate the Pazzi Conspiracy, 1478

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Obverse: Medals of rulers were thought inappropriate in republican Florence. This piece commemorates the 1478 attack in Florence Cathedral on the Medici, first citizens but not rulers of the city. To make it acceptable, it flouts the rules of medals by combining portrait and narrative on both sides. This side, labeled \u2018Public grief\u2019, shows the head and, below, the murder of Giuliano de\u2019 Medici, Lorenzo\u2019s younger brother.Reverse: Modeled and cast in 1478, immediately after Lorenzo de\u2019 Medici survived a murderous attack in Florence Cathedral, this medal renders the events of the day timeless and heroic by giving them a classicizing character. Though both Lorenzo\u2019s features and, below, the choir of the Cathedral are clearly recognizable, the sitter is given classical draperies while the protagonists are depicted nude

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