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Just Delete Me in Chrome with OffiDocs

Just Delete Me  screen for extension Chrome web store in OffiDocs Chromium



Information about how to delete account is pulled daily from JustDeleteMe.

xyz ( http://justdeleteme.

xyz/ ).

This extension will add a traffic light icon to your omnibar indicating the difficulty in removing an account on the website your visiting.

Upon clicking this icon you will be taken to the page which you can delete your account.

Colour Key: Green - Simple process Yellow - Some extra steps involved Red - Cannot be fully deleted without contacting customer-services Block - Cannot be deleted This extension is open source, if you wish to contribute or look though the code it's available on github (https://github.



Additional Information:

- Offered by
- Average rating : 4.55 stars (loved it)
- Developer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Just Delete Me web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online

Run Chrome Extensions
