Velvet Textile for a Dragon Robe

Velvet Textile for a Dragon Robe

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The dark blue velvet of this sumptuous cloth is only occasionally visible. It is covered with a design of dragons, clouds, and waves in various threads: green feathers, especially evident in the dragons' faces; gold metallic thread, most easily seen in the water; and polychrome silk, in the clouds and other motifs.The outline of the patterned area shows that it was woven for a robe or coat. The textile is displayed here as if it were a garment\u2014but its side seams are open, and it has no fastenings or sleeve or neck finishings. At some time it went to Tibet and may have been reused, though apparently not as a Tibetan garment. Instead, it may have served as a table or altar cover or had some other decorative use.

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